Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used by IP Multicast routers to learn about the existence of host group members on their directly attached subnet (see RFC 2236). The IP Multicast routers get this information by broadcasting IGMP Membership Queries and listen- ing for IP hosts reporting their host group memberships. This process is used to set up a client/ server relationship between an IP Multicast source that provides the data streams and the cli- ents that want to receive the data.
The G8000 can perform IGMP Snooping, and connect to static multicast routers (Mrouters).
The following topics are discussed in this chapter:
“IGMP Snooping” on page 130
“IGMPv3 Snooping” on page 131
“Static Multicast Router” on page 134
BMD00041, November 2008 | 129 |