RackSwitch G8000 Application Guide
Secure Shell
Secure Shell (SSH) use secure tunnels to encrypt and secure messages between a remote administrator and the switch. Telnet does not provide this level of security. The Telnet method of managing a G8000 does not provide a secure connection.
SSH is a protocol that enables remote administrators to log securely into the G8000 over a net- work to execute management commands.
The benefits of using SSH are listed below:
Authentication of remote administrators
Identifying the administrator using Name/Password
Authorization of remote administrators
Determining the permitted actions and customizing service for individual administrators
Encryption of management messages
Encrypting messages between the remote administrator and switch
Secure copy support
The Blade OS implementation of SSH supports both versions 1.0 and 2.0 and supports SSH client versions 1.5 - 2.x.
Configuring SSH features on the switch
Before you can use SSH commands, use the following commands to turn on SSH.
SSH is disabled by default.
Use the following command to enable SSH:
RS G8000 (config)# ssh enable
SSH encryption of management messages
The following encryption and authentication methods are supported for SSH:
Server Host Authentication: | Client RSA authenticates the switch at the beginning of |
| every connection |
Key Exchange: | RSA |
Encryption: |
User Authentication: | Local password authentication |
34 Chapter 1: Accessing the Switch | BMD00041, November 2008 |