42 en Configuration Using a Web Browser

VideoJet X10



5.12.8I-frame distance

This parameter allows you to set the intervals in which the I-frames will be coded. 0 means auto mode, whereby the video server inserts I-frames as necessary. An entry of 1 indicates that I-frames are continuously generated. An entry of 2 indicates that only every second image is an I-frame, and 3 only every third image etc.; the frames in between are coded as P-frames.

5.12.9P-frame quality

This setting allows you to adjust the image quality of the P-frames depending on the movement within the image. The Auto option automatically adjusts to the optimum combination of movement and image definition (focus). Selecting Manual allows you to set a value between 4 and 31 on the slide control. The value 4 represents the best image quality with, if necessary, a lower frame refresh rate depending on the settings for the maximum data rate. A value of 31 results in a very high refresh rate and lower image quality.

5.12.10I-frame quality

This setting allows you to adjust the image quality of the I-frames. The Auto option automatically adjusts the quality to the settings for the P-frame video quality. Selecting Manual allows you to set a value between 4 and 31 on the slide control. The value 4 represents the best image quality with, if necessary, a lower frame refresh rate depending on the settings for the maximum data rate. A value of 31 results in a very high refresh rate and lower image quality.

V3.0 2007.09

Installation and Operating Manual

Bosch Security Systems