126 en Index

VideoJet X20



Licenses 88

Linear mode 54, 55

Live video images 27, 93 Livepage 85

Low Voltage Directive 8 Low-pass filter 37


Main functions 15 Maintenance 9 Make contact 22 Manufacturer logo 85 Media playback 100 Motion detector 64 Motion detector defaults 64 Motion detector object size 66 Motion detector sensitivity 66 MPEG ActiveX 27, 93, 104 MPEG-4 encoder 38

MTU value 77, 78 Multicast address 81 Multicast connection 77, 80 Multicast function 13 Multicasting 80 Multi-unicast 80


Navigation 30 Network 20, 76

Network connection 17, 25 Number of connections 28, 95


OF 21 Operation 9, 93 Overview of functions 13


Parameters 26, 118 Parity check 75 Partition 51 Partition status 53 Partitioning 51 Password 29, 34, 95 Peripheral control 96 Picture settings 37 Pin assignment 116 Playback 100 Playback button 101 Player 104

Port 77, 81 Post-alarm profile 57 Post-alarm time 57 Power off 25 Power on 25

Power supply 9, 17, 25 Power switch 25 Processor load 115 Processor load indicator 115 Product name 85

Profile configuration 40 Profiles 38

Protocol 75



Rear panel connections 17 Reboot 26, 118 Receiver 13

Receiver password 62 Recording profiles 56 Recording program 99 Recording scheduler 58 Recording status 59 Recording video sequences 98 Reflections of light 65 Regulations 7

Relay 17, 23 Relay output 72 Relay outputs 23 Remote control 14 Remote indication 23 Remote LED 23 Repair 9, 110 Reset 17, 109

Ring mode 54, 55 Router 81


Safety 9 Saturation 37 Saving event log 87 Saving system log 87 Scope of delivery 11

Screen resolution 12, 27, 93 Select area 66, 67, 68 Selecting a profile 38 Sensor fields 66, 68

Serial Interface 17 Serial number 8 Serial port function 74 SFP 17, 21

Signal source 22 SMS 69 Snapshots 14, 98 SNMP 79

SNTP server 36 Software decoder 107 Source type 43

SSL certificate 90 SSL encryption 63 Standard profile 57

Standard recording profile values 56 Stop bits 75

Storage information 47, 50 Storage medium 47 Streaming 81

Subnet mask 77 Summer time 36 Symbols 7 Synchronize 35 System log 87, 97

System requirements 12, 27, 93


Tamper detection 66

Target data rate 41

V3.5 2007.12

Installation and Operating Manual

Bosch Security Systems