trap - a program interrupt mechanism that automatically updates the state of the network to remote network management hosts. The SNMP agent on the switch supports these SNMP traps.
UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) - a type of traffic that is not considered
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - the TCP/IP transaction protocol used for applications such as remote network management and
Unassigned Cells - a cell identified by a standardized virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI) value, which has been generated and does not carry information from an application using the ATM Layer service.
UNI 3.0 - the
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) - a cable that consists of two or more insu- lated conductors in which each pair of conductors are twisted around each other. There is no external protection and noise resistance comes solely from the twists.
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) - a type of traffic that, when sent over a network, is tolerant of delays and changes in the amount of bandwidth it is allocated (e.g., data applications).
VC (Virtual Channel (or Circuit)) - a communications path between two nodes identified by label rather than fixed physical path.
VCC (Virtual Channel Connection) - a unidirectional concatenation of VCLs that extends between the points where the ATM service users access the ATM Layer. The points at which the ATM cell payload is passed to, or received from, the users of the ATM Layer (i.e., a higher layer or
VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) - the address or label of a VC.
VCL (Virtual Channel Link) - a means of unidirectional transport of ATM cells between the point where a VCI value is assigned and the point where that value is translated or removed.