Chapter 1 Before Use


Limitations in Browsing for Shared Folders

A problem in browsing for shared folders on computers running the Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system has been determined to exist. You will not be able to browse for shared folders to act as image file destinations by pressing the [Browse] button on the ScanFront touch panel. (Similarly, you will not be able to browse for shared folders in the screen that appears after you click [Browse] in the ScanFront Web Menu.) This problem is due to the specifications of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

As a result, if you want to specify a shared folder on a computer running these operating systems as the destination for image files, you must enter the shared folder manually. (When operating the ScanFront touch panel to specify a shared folder as the destination address, for example, enter the folder path in [Folder path].) Instead of entering the full path in such cases, you can press the [Browse] button after entering the computer name and the path up until the top-most folder of that computer, and then specify the rest of the path in the screen that appears.

This problem does not occur when the supplied ScanFront Service software is installed on the network.

Limitations for Network Environments without ScanFront Service

To send image files to destinations and devices, such as the following, the supplied ScanFront Service software must be installed on a computer on the same network as the ScanFront scanner.

Destinations (folders on computers, printers, etc.) located on different segments of a network on which a WINS server is not configured

Printers on the network

Certain NAS (network-attached storage)
