Your unit provides you with several modes for receiving faxes. To determine which mode best suits your requirements, refer to the table below:
Receive Mode | Main Use | Operation | Requirements | Details |
FAX ONLY MODE | Fax | Unit answers all calls | Separate telephone | p. |
| as fax calls. It receives | line for fax use only. |
| faxes automatically and |
| disconnects voice calls. |
Fax/Tel Mode | Fax/Tel | Automatically switches | Handset, telephone, | p. |
| between fax and voice | or extension phone |
| calls. Receives faxes | connected to the |
| automatically and rings | unit. |
| for voice calls. |
MANUAL MODE | Tel | Unit rings for every call, | Handset, telephone, | p. |
| whether a fax call or a | or extension phone |
| voice call. For a fax | connected to the |
| call, you have to | unit. |
| manually activate |
| reception of the fax. |
ANS.MACHINE | Fax/Tel | Receives faxes | Answering machine | p. |
| automatically and | connected to the |
| routes voice calls to the | unit. |
| answering machine. |
MultiPASS Suite | PC Fax | Directs faxes to your | PC connected to | p. |
| PC. | the unit and |
| MultiPASS Suite |
| installed. |
| (1 Software User’s |
| Guide) |
NET SWITCH* | Fax/Tel | Allows you to have one | Subscription to the | p. |
| telephone line with two | Telstra FaxStream™ | p. |
| numbers: one for fax | Duet service |
| and one for telephone. | (Australia) or the |
| Telecom N.Z. |
| FaxAbility service |
| (New Zealand). |
Once you have decided which mode is suitable for your needs, set the mode as described in this chapter. You can change the mode at any time.
* This setting is only available in Australia and New Zealand.
Receiving Faxes | Chapter 8 |