Name | Descriptions |
6. RX RESTRICTION | Sets whether to receive a fax by detecting the TSI |
| (Transmitting Subscriber Identification) signal, used to |
| identify the sending fax machine. |
OFF | All receptions are conducted. |
ON | Receives the fax only from the sending fax machine that |
| sends the TSI signal. |
3. REPORT SETTINGS | Sets the settings related to report functions. |
1. TX REPORT | Enables/disables automatic printing of a transmission |
| report. |
PRINT ERROR ONLY | Prints a report only when a transmission error occurs. |
REPORT WITH TX IMAGE | Enables/disables printing of the first page of the fax |
| under the report. |
OFF | No first page is printed. |
ON | Prints the first page. |
OUTPUT YES | Prints a report every time you send a document. |
REPORT WITH TX IMAGE | Enables/disables printing of the first page of the fax |
| under the report. |
OFF | No first page is printed. |
ON | Prints the first page. |
OUTPUT NO | No report is printed. |
2. RX REPORT | Enables/disables automatic printing of a reception |
| report. |
OUTPUT NO | No report is printed. |
PRINT ERROR ONLY | Prints a report only when a reception error occurs. |
OUTPUT YES | Prints a report every time you receive a document. |
3. ACTIVITY REPORT | Enables/disables automatic printing of a transaction |
| report after every 20 transactions. |
OUTPUT YES | Prints a report automatically after every 20 transactions. |