Chapter 7 Establishing Switch Access
Setting Up Sideband (PPP) Connection Configuration
You need to configure an IP address and netmask for the sideband interface before you can establish a ppp link.
1Connect a terminal to the Serial console port.
2When you are prompted for a Login Name, enter the default name root.
3When you are prompted for a password, enter the password root. You are now in Supervisor Level.
4At the prompt, type:
set interface ppp <ip_addr><net-mask>
with an IP address and netmask to be used by the Avaya P460 Supervisor module to connect via its PPP interface.
The PPP interface you configure with the set interface ppp command must be on a different subnet from the inband and outband interfaces.
5Set the baud rate, ppp authentication, and ppp time out required to match your modem.
6At the prompt, type:
set interface ppp enable
XThe following is displayed:
Entering the Modem mode within 60 seconds...
Please check that the proprietary modem cable is plugged into the console port
7Use the
Avaya P460 Supervisor module
8The Avaya P460 Supervisor module enters modem mode.
9You can now dial into the switch from a remote station, and open a Telnet, ping or SNMP management session to the PPP interface IP address.
If you have two Supervisor modules installed, you can make a serial connection to one SPV and configure the PPP parameters through one session and deploy the PPP connection on the second Supervisor module.
Avaya P460 Installation and Maintenance Guide | 47 |