Turbomachinery Package Specification

Titan 250 Generator Set



1 Introduction

1.1General Description

Solar Turbines Incorporated is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of industrial gas turbines. Solar's 40 years of experience integrating high technology with fluid compression, liquid pumping, power generation, and cogeneration applications has resulted in more than 12,500 gas turbine installations in 92 countries around the world. Solar gas turbine packages have logged more than 1.3 billion operating hours around the world in a wide range of applications. Solar gas turbine packages are complete operational systems that require a minimum of site preparation prior to installation.

The Titan 250 generator sets represent years of intensive engineering and manufacturing design. Solar gas turbines are manufactured to rigid industrial standards and are thoroughly tested in modern facilities. Solar's operations are certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) to conform to International Standardization Organization (ISO) 9001:2000 Standard for Quality Management Systems.


This document describes product features and provides product specification information for the Titan 250 generator sets. Included are basic package configurations, ancillary descriptions, installation requirements, and a list of customer support services available at the time of publication. Please note that changes in equipment, service descriptions, and specifications may occur without prior notice.

© 2008 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved.

TPS250GS/908 - Preliminary