Chaparral K5312/K7313 manual Connecting to the RS-232 Port, To connect to the Fibre Channel port

Models: K5312/K7313 G5312/G7313

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G- and K-Series User’s Guide

To connect to the Fibre Channel port:

1Be sure the enclosure power is turned off.

2Connect one end of the Fibre Channel cable to the FC port on the enclosure.

3Connect the other end of the Fibre Channel cable to a server’s HBA or to an arbitrated loop hub or fabric switch.

4Turn power on and begin configuration.

Connecting to the RS-232 Port

You use the RS-232 port to update the firmware, configure, and monitor the controller using a VT-100/ANSI computer with a terminal emulator.

Refer to your enclosure documentation for information about the correct type of cable to use. Use a 9-pin straight-through cable. A null modem cable does not work.

9 Pin Female

9 Pin Female





























Configure the RS-232 port in your terminal emulator software using the following settings:

Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200; 115200 best for downloading firmware upgrades

Data Bits: 8

Stop Bits: 1

Parity: None

Flow Control: None or XON/XOFF.


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Chaparral K5312/K7313, G5312/G7313 manual Connecting to the RS-232 Port, To connect to the Fibre Channel port