Chaparral K5312/K7313, G5312/G7313 manual Resetting Array Statistics, To reset array statistics

Models: K5312/K7313 G5312/G7313

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G- and K-Series User’s Guide

Resetting Array Statistics

You can reset the follow array statistics to zero:





I/O Size

Note: Resetting statistics here also resets the statistics for this array that are included in the aggregate statistics. See Displaying Overall Statistics on page 5-11.

You may want to reset the statistics if you are monitoring performance or doing benchmark testing. You may also want to reset statistics when you change how you are using the array.

Note: You cannot reset the queue depth value. It always reflects the current I/O queue depth.

To reset array statistics:

1From the System Menu, select Array Menu and press Enter. The Select Array screen displays with a list of existing arrays.

2Select the array you want and press Enter. The Array Menu screen displays.

3Select Array Statistics and press Enter. The statistics menu screen displays.

4Select Reset Statistics and press Enter.

The system confirms that you want to make the change.

5Select Yes and press Enter.

The system confirms that the statistics have been cleared and returns to the statistics menu.


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Chaparral K5312/K7313, G5312/G7313 manual Resetting Array Statistics, To reset array statistics