Chaparral G5312/G7313 Working with LUN Zoning, 1shows an example of how you can use LUN zoning

Models: K5312/K7313 G5312/G7313

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Configuring the Controller

Working with LUN Zoning

The controller’s LUN zoning capability lets you specify which servers (hosts) can access each array. This gives you complete control of array access based on your specific needs. LUN zoning is only available on the G7313 and K7313 models.

Figure 7-1shows an example of how you can use LUN zoning.

Figure 7-1. LUN zoning example

Before you set up LUN zoning, you should know the World Wide Name (WWN) for each server that you want to set up. Your SAN administrator should know the WWNs for your network. You can display a list of all WWNs that the controller is aware of on the SAN, and you can give each WWN a name (alias) of your own. This makes working with the LUN zoning feature faster and easier.

You set up LUN zoning by either excluding or including servers on a list for each array LUN. The list can include or exclude up to 16 specific servers or all servers for each array LUN.

For example, in Figure 7-1, Array A has an include list that only contains Host 2, so only Host 2 can access Array A. Array F has an exclude list that contains only Host 2, so all hosts except for Host 2 can access the array.


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Chaparral G5312/G7313, K5312/K7313 manual Working with LUN Zoning, 1shows an example of how you can use LUN zoning