Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
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Chapter2 Preparing to Install the Cisco AS5350 Chassis Preparing to Connect to a Network
Auxiliary Port
The CiscoAS5350 includes an EIA/TIA-232 asynchronous serial auxiliary port (RJ-45) that supports
flow control. Depending on t he cabl e and th e adap ter us ed, t his por t wil l appe a r as a DTE or DCE de vi ce
at the end of the cable. Your universal gateway arrives with a cable and an a da pt er to con n ect a mo de m
to the auxiliary port. To connect a mod em to the auxiliary port, use the RJ-45 r o llove r cab le w it h th e
male RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter (labeled MODEM).
For detailed information about c onnecting devices to the auxiliary port , se e Chapter 3, “Installing the
CiscoAS5350.” See Ap pe ndix C, “Cabling Specifications,” for cable and port pinouts.
2T Serial PortsTwo high speed 12-in-1 serial ports on the rear panel of the CiscoAS5350 provide backhaul WAN and
IP support.
The following types of serial interface standards (in DTE/DCE) are supported:
•ITU-T V.35
Each interface supports up to 8 Mbps.
Alarm Port The three pins on the alarm port ar e connected to the output of a relay. This relay i s controlled by system
software. To configure the Alarm port, refer to the Cisc o AS5350 and CiscoAS5400 Universal Gateway
Software Configuration Guide. This document is available on CCO and the documentation CD-ROM
that comes with your universal ga teway. (See the “Related Documentati on” section on page xii.) With
the alarm ports connected and co nfi gur ed , C iscoIO S so f tw ar e p ol ls every on e s eco n d to d ete ct the
failure events that are configured and tur ns O N th e al ar m wh en i t detects any failure event. See
AppendixC, “Cabling Specifications,” for pinouts and cable specifications.
BITS PortThe BITS port is a coaxial inter face t hat provides external synchronized clocki ng t hro ug h a Timin g
Signal Generator (TSG). To configure the BI TS port, refer to the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400
Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide. This document is available on CCO and the
documentation CD-ROM that com es w i th y ou r u niversal gateway. (See the “Related Documentation ”
section on pagexii.) See Appendix C, “Cabling Specifications,” for pinouts and cable speci fication s.