Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter3 Installing the CiscoAS5350
Setting Up the Chassis
Setting Up the ChassisYou can set the chassis on a desktop or inst all i t i n a r ack . Use the procedure in this secti on th at b es t
meets the needs of your network:
•Setting the Chassis on a Desktop
•Rack-Mounting the Chassis
When installing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last. To
see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance
and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted access area is where
access can only be gained by service personnel through the use of a special tool, lock and key, or
other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location. To see
translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and
Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
Setting the Chassis on a Desktop
The location of the chassis is ex tr em e ly im portant for proper operation . Eq u ip men t pl ace d too close
together, inadequat e v e ntil at ion, and i na cce ssi bl e pa ne ls can c aus e m alf unc tion s and sh utd o wn s, and c an
make maintenance difficult. The following information will help you plan the locatio n o f th e ch as sis :
•Plan for access to both front an d r e ar pa ne ls o f th e chassis.
•Ensure that the room where the chassis operates has adequate ventilation. R emember that electrical
equipment generates heat. Ambien t air temperature may not cool equipm ent to acceptable operating
temperatures without adequate ventilation.
Attaching the Rubber Fee t
To attach the rubber feet to the chassi s, fol low th i s pro ced u re :
Step 1 Carefully turn the chassis over so you c a n se e th e f o ur smal l depressions made for attaching th e r u bb er
feet. (See Figure 3-1.) The rubber feet are included in the accessory kit that shippe d with your universal
Step 2 Remove the wax paper from the bottom of ea ch rubber foot and press the foot into the small de pression
on the bottom of the chassis. (See Figure 3-1.)