Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter2 Preparing to Install the CiscoAS5350 Chassis
Safety Recommendations
Follow these guidelines when you work on equipment powered by electricity.
Locate the emergency power-OFF switch for t h e r oom in w hich y ou a re wor ki ng . Th en , if a n
electrical accident occurs, you ca n act q ui ck ly to t ur n OF F th e power.
Before working on the system, u np l ug t he power cord.
Disconnect all power before doing the following:
Installing or removi ng a chassis
Working near power supplies
When installing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last. Do
not work alone if potentially hazardous conditions exist. To see translations of the warnings that
appear in this publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that
accompanied this device.
Never assume that power is disconnected from a circuit. Always check.
Read the installation instructions before you connect the system to its power source. To see
translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and
Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
Look carefully for possible hazards in your work area, such as moist floors, ungrounded power
extension cables, frayed power cords, and missing safety grounds.
If an electrical accident occurs, proceed as follows :
Use caution; do not become a victim yourself.
Turn OFF power to the system.
If possible, send another person to get m edical a id. Othe rwise, ass ess the condit ion of th e victim
and then call for help.
Determine if the person needs rescue breathing or external cardiac compressions; then take
appropriate action.
This product relies on the buildings installation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection. Ensure that
a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120VAC, 15A U.S. (240 VAC, 10A international) is used on the
phase conductors (all current-carrying conductors). To see translations of the warnings that appear
in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that
accompanied this device.
Preventing Electrostatic Discharg e Damage
Electrostatic discharge (E SD) can damage e quipme nt and impair elec trical circu itry . ESD dam age occu rs
when electronic components are im properly handled and can result in complete or intermittent failures.
Always follow ESD-prevention procedures when you remove and replace components. Ensure that the
chassis is electrically connec ted t o earth ground. Wear an ESD-preventive wrist s tr ap , en s urin g th at it
makes good skin contact. Connect the grounding clip to an unpainted surface of the chassis frame to