Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
chassis LEDs, descriptions 4-2
Cisco AS5350, installation 3-1
Cisco AS5350 Chassis (figure) A-13
Cisco AS5350 ground lug attachment (figure) 3-6
Cisco AS5350 overview 1-1
Cisco AS5400 ground lug attachment (figure) 3-6
connecting a modem to the auxiliary port 2-5, 3-12
connecting a modem to the auxiliary port (f ig ure) 3-13
connecting an alarm to the ala rm port 3-14
connecting a PC to console port 2-4
connecting a signal generator to th e B ITS port 3-13
connecting the auxiliary por t t o a m o d em ( f ig u re ) C-4
connecting the console port to the PC (figure) C-2
connecting the console port to th e ter mi nal (figure) C-3
connecting the console term in al (fi gure) 3-12
connecting the DC power supp ly , s ingle power
supply B-13
connecting to a CSU/DSU (fi gur e) 3-11
connecting to an E1 CSU/DSU (fi gu r e) 3-10
connecting to an Ethernet hub ( fi gu re) 3-7
connecting to a WAN 3-7
connecting to the auxiliar y po r t 2-5
connecting to the BIT S port (figure) 3-13
connecting to the networ k 3-6
preparing for network connections 2-3
T1 interface ports 3-8
WAN 3-8
connections, redund an t po w e r s u pp l y 3- 18, B-4
connections, singl e p ower supply 3-17, B-3
console and auxiliary port pinouts and cables C-1
Console Port
adapter C-3
connections 3-11
default settings 2-4
description 2-4
pinouts C-3
specification 1-4
console port cables and pinouts C-2
console port description 2-4
console port signaling and cabling using a DB-25 adapter
(table) C-3
console port signaling and cabling using a DB-9 ad apter
(table) C-3
conventions, document viii
DC circuit breake r w a rning B-15
DC power supply circuit breaker warning 3-19
DC power supply connections (figure) 3-17
DC power supply support 1-3, 3-15, B-1
DC power supply wiring warning 3-17, B-13
description, slot numbering 4-3
dial feature card (DFC), description 1-2
dimensions, CiscoAS5350 chassis 1-3
disconnecting fan tray power connector (figure) 4-8
disconnecting the power connec tors from the backplane
(figure) B-9
disconnect power supplies warning 3-3
disconnect telephone cables warning A-1, A-4, A-7, B-1
displaying environment status 4-4
document conventions viii
documents, related xii
DTE device, connecting to the console port 2-4
electrostatic discharge (ESD), preventing 2-2
environment monitoring 4-3
environment status, displaying 4-4
equipment racks 3-3
error messages, memory A-6, A-12
Ethernet connections 2-4, 3-7
Ethernet port pinouts C-5
extracting boot rom (figure) A-6