Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
PrefaceThis preface describes the object ives an d organ iza tio n o f th is d o cu men t and explains how to find
additional information on related products and services. This preface contains the following sections:
•Document Organization, pagevii
•Document Conventions, pageviii
•Related Documentation, pagexii
•New Hardware Features, pagexiii
•Related Documentation, pagexii
•Obtaining Technical Assistance, page xiv
Document Organization
This publication is designed for people who have some ex perien ce inst allin g netw orki ng equipme nt such
as routers, hubs, servers, and switches. The person installing the universal gateway should be familiar
with electronic circuitry and wiring pra ctices and have experience as an electronic or electrome chanical
This table describes the contents of each chapter in this document.
Table1 Organization
Chapter Title Description
Chapter1 Overview Overview of the CiscoAS5350 universal gateway.
Chapter2 Preparing to Install the
Cisco AS5350 Chassis Describes the tasks you must perform before you begin to
install the chassis.
Chapter 3 Installing the CiscoAS5350 Describes the tasks you must perform to install the
Cisco AS5350 chassis.
Chapter4 Troubleshooting Describes how to troubleshoot the chassis by referring to
the chassis LEDs.
Appendix A Replacing Mem ory
Components Describes how to replace memory chips in the chassis
field-replaceable units.
Appendix B Replacing the Power Sup p ly Describes how to repla ce th e p owe r sup p ly.
AppendixC Cabling Specifications Describes cabling and pinout information for the chassis.