Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter2 Preparing to Install the CiscoAS5350 Chassis
Preparing to Connect to a Network
The ISDN connection is regarded as a source of voltage that should be inaccessible to user contact.
Do not attempt to tamper with or open any public telephone operator (PTO)-provided equipment or
connection hardware. Any hardwired connection (other than by a nonremovable,
connect-one-time-only plug) must be made only by PTO staff or suitably trained engineers. To see
translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and
Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
Ethernet ConnectionsTwo Fast Ethernet (FE) ports, RJ-45 ports, are located on the rear panel of the universal gateway: FE0
and FE1 (selectable). To configure the Eth er ne t p o rts , r efer t o t h e Cisco AS5350 and CiscoAS5400
Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide. Both ports use unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable
and require Category 5 cable. Th e max im u m s egmen t di sta nce is 328 feet (100 meters).
Note UTP cables look like the cables used for or di nary t ele pho nes; however, UTP cables meet cert ain
electrical standards that telephone cables do not. Cables are not included.
Console and Auxiliary PortsThe CiscoAS5350 includes an asynchronous serial console port and an auxiliary port. The console and
auxiliary ports provide access to th e u n iversa l g atewa y e it he r l o cal ly ( w ith a co nso l e terminal) or
remotely (with a modem). Th is s ect io n di scusses important cabling information to co n sid er b e for e
connecting a console terminal (an ASCII terminal or PC running terminal emulat io n sof tw ar e) t o the
console port, or modem to the auxiliary port.
Console Port
The CiscoAS5350 includes an EIA/TIA-232 asynchronous serial console port (RJ-45). Depending on
the cable and the adapter used , th is port will appear as a data terminal equipment (DTE) or d at a
communications equipment (DCE) device at the end of the cable. Your universal gateway arrives with
cables and adapters to connect a consol e terminal (an ASCII terminal or PC running terminal emulation
software) to the console port. To connect an A S CI I te rm in al to the console port, use the RJ-45 rollover
cable with the female RJ-45 -to- D B -2 5 ad ap ter (l abeled TERMINAL).
To connect a PC running terminal emul ati on so f twa re t o the console port, use the RJ-45 rollover cable
with the female RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter (labeled TERMINAL). The default parameters for the console
port are 9600 baud, 8data bits, no parity, and 2stop bits. The console port does not support hardware
flow control.
For detailed information abou t i n stal li ng a console terminal, see Chapter 3, “Installing the
CiscoAS5350.” See Ap pe ndix C, “Cabling Specifications,” for cable and port pinouts.