Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
FFan Tray
caution 4-6
disconnecting power connector 4-8
installing 4-10
replacing 4-6
tightening screws 4-12
fan tray metal tabs (figu re ) 4-9
fan tray power connector (figure) 4-11
Attaching the Chassis to a 19-inch Rack 3-5
Attaching the Rubber Feet 3-3
Cisco AS5350 Chassis A-13
Cisco AS5350 Front Panel 1-2, 4-7
Cisco AS5350 ground lug attachment 3-6
Cisco AS5350 Rear Panel 1-2
Cisco AS5350 Slot Numbering 4-3
Cisco AS5400 ground lug attachment 3-6
Connecting a Modem to the A u x ili ar y P ort 3-13
Connecting the Auxiliary Port to a Modem C-4
Connecting the Console Port to t he P C C-2
Connecting the Console Port to t he Te rm inal C-3
Connecting the Console Term in al 3-12
Connecting the DC power supply, redundant power
supply B-14
Connecting the DC power supply, single power
supply B-13
Connecting to a CSU/DSU 3-11
Connecting to an E1 CSU/DS U 3-10
Connecting to an Ethernet Hu b 3-7
Connecting to an RJ-45 (T1) Jack 3-8
Connecting to the Alarm Por t 3-14
Connecting to the BITS Port 3-13
DC Power Supply Connections 3-17
Disconnecting the Power Connectors from the
Backplane B-9
Extracting Boot ROM A-6
Fan Tray Power Co nn e c tor Disconnecting Fr om
Receptacle 4-8
Inserting the Flash Memor y SIMM A-11
Inserting the Metal Tabs into Slots 4-10
Inserting the New SDRAM DIMM in to th e S oc ket A-9
Inserting the Power Supp ly i n the Chassis B-10
Lifting the Power Supply O u t o f t he Chassis B-9
Loosen Fan tray screws 4-7
Power Ratings Label for AC Power Supply B-13
Power Ratings Label for DC Power Supply B-13
Power supply connections, redundant power
supply B-4
Power supply connections, single power supply B-3
Power Supply Connectors B-8
Pulling the Edge of the Fan Tray 4-8
Rear Panel LEDs 4-2
Reconnecting the Power Cable s t o t he B ack p lan e B-11
Redundant power supply connections 3-18
Removing and Replac in g th e SDRAM DIMM A-8
Removing the Air Sep ar at or B-8
Removing the Chassis C over A-3
Removing the Chass is C over Screws A-3
Removing the Flash Me mory SIMM A-11
Removing the Power Supply Mounting Screws B-7
Replacing the air separator B-11
Replacing the Chassis Cover A-12, B-12
rollover cable C-2
Slide Metal Tabs out of Slots 4-9
Sliding the Fan Tray Power Connector into
Receptacle 4-11
Standard Bracket Installa tio n 3-4
Standard Rack-Mount Brackets 3-4
System Board Layout A-5
Tightening Fan Tray Screws 4-12
Flash memory, replacing A-9
Flash memory insertion, cau ti o n A-1 1
front panel (figure) 4-7
front panel illustration (figure) 1-2