Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter3 Installing the CiscoAS5350
Connecting to the Console and Auxiliary Por ts
Figure3-13 Connecting the Console Terminal
Connecting a Modem to the Auxiliary PortTo connect a modem to the auxiliary p ort, fo l low th is p r oc ed ure:
Step 1 Connect a modem to the auxiliary port on the CiscoAS5350 using an RJ-45 rollover cable with an
RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter. The adapter p r ovide d i s l a b ele d M O DE M . Th e ad ap t er an d th e r o llove r cab le
are included in the accessory k it th at co m e s w it h t h e u nivers al ga teway.(See Fig u re 3-14.)
Note Make sure that your modem and the auxiliary port on the CiscoAS5350 are configured for the
same transmission speed (38400 baud is typical) and hardware flow control with Data Carrier
Detect (DCD) and Data Terminal Ready (DTR) operations.
rollover cable
PC (laptop)
Console port