Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter4 Troubleshooting Monitoring Environment
Monitoring EnvironmentThe CiscoAS5350 contains temperature sensors to detect abnormal temperature conditions during
system operation. The three levels of s ens or d et ect io n ar e as fo l lows:
•If the operating temperature of th e system exceeds 45°C, the system re ach es a warning state. A
warning message appears on the con sole. When the operat ing tempe rature of the s ystem dr ops bel ow
45°C, another message is displayed on the console indicating a recovery. At this level of sensor
detection, there is no disruption in system operation.
•When the operating t e mp erature of the system continues to rise a bove 45°C and reaches a
temperature of 60°C, the system reaches a critical state. Cisco IOS software gracef ully shuts down
the first DFC. If the operating t em p er at ur e co nt in ue s to b e critical after 10 minutes, Ci sco IOS
software shuts down anothe r DF C.
Note DFC slot numbering starts from the motherboard and works up from left to right. Slot 0 is
reserved for the motherboard. Th e DFC s l ots ar e nu mb er ed seq u en ti all y fro m 1 to 3 . ( See
Figure 4-2.)
Figure4-2 Cisco AS5350 Slot Numbering
This process is repeated at 10 mi nute in terv als until t he f inal DFC i s shut down. The co nsole d ispla ys
the slot number of the DFC and the type of DFC that was shut down.
If the operating temperature cools down to 45°C, CiscoIOS software powers on the first DFC,
repeating the process for each D FC at 10 minute intervals.
•When the operating temperature of the system rises above 65°C, Cisco IOS software shuts down all
DFCs immediately.
Serial Ports T0, T1 Flickering Indicates data activity on the serial
Off The serial port connection is not
transmitting or receiving data.
BITS Port BITS ON Indicates a valid signal on the BITS
Table4-1 Chassis LEDs (continued)
Function LED State Description
Slot 2 Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 3