Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter4 Troubleshooting
Monitoring Environ ment
Displaying Environment StatusYou can use the command-line interface (CLI) t o c he ck enviro nm ent monitoring status of the
To check environment monitoring, enter the show environment command in privileged EXEC m ode, as
Router# show environment
The display shown below appears on your console during normal operating conditions. The slot number
corresponds to the DFC in tha t sl o t. T he outlet and inlet sensors r ead t he te m p er atu r e o f th e a ir
circulating inside the chassis.
Router# show environment
Temperature Reading:
Temperature at inlet is measured as 22C/71F.
Temperature at outlet is measured as 27C/80F.
Temperature State:
Temperature is in normal state.
Fans temperature delta is measured as 5C.
All fans are running well.
Power Supply:
Power System is present.
The display below appears on your console when the system reaches a warning state:
Router# show environment
Temperature Reading:
Temperature at inlet is measured as 52C/125F.
Temperature at outlet is measured as 64C/147F.
Temperature State:
Temperature is in warning state.
Fans temperature delta is measured as 6C.
All fans are running well.
Power Supply:
Power System is not present.
PS Input Voltage status: normal
PS Output Voltage status: normal
PS Fan status: normal
PS Thermal status: normal
PS OverVoltage status: normal
Environmental monitor experienced the following events:
Temperature:sensor failed.
Fans:monitor dropped.
Temperature:sensor recovered.
Fans:monitor recovered.