Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Chapter1 Overview
Dial Feature Cards (DFCs)
Figure1-1 Cisco AS5350 Front Panel
Figure1-2 Cisco AS5350 Rear Panel
Dial Feature Cards (DFCs)The Dial Feature Card (DFC) is a 5.1 by 13 inch PCI - ba sed int er face bo ar d tha t al lows onl in e in ser ti o n
and removal (OIR) of trunk ingress, and modem cards without rebooting or powering off the system.
The chassis includes one backplane s lot which accepts a DFC carrier card. The DFC carr ier card accepts
two DFCs, which allow OIR. The motherboard accepts one DFC in its own dedicated slot.