NOTE: Pressing the “Undo All Changes” has no effect on the PHONE ADAPTER; it will only
reset the values on the web page.
The PHONE ADAPTER supports two levels of administration privileges: Administrator and User, both
privileges can be password protected. Important note: by factory default, there are no passwords
assigned for both Administrator and User.
The Administrator has the privilege to modify all the web profile parameters and can also modify the
passwords of both Administrator and User. A User only has the privilege to access part of the web
profile parameters; the parameter group that User can access is specified by the Administrator, which
can only be done through provisioning.
To access the Administrator level privilege, use the URL for your model number as described in the
previous section. If the password has been set for Administrator, the browser will prompt for
authentication. The username for Administrator is “admin” and cannot be changed.
To access the User level privilege, use URL: http://IP_Address_Of_PHONE ADAPTER/. If the
password has been set for User, the browser will prompt for User authentication. The username for
User is “user” and cannot be changed.
When browsing Administrator pages, one can switch to User privileges by click the link “User Login”.
(Note: if User password was set, the browser will prompt for User authentication when you click “User
Login” link). On the other side, from the User pages you can switch to Administrator privilege by
clicking the link “Admin Login.” Authentication is needed if Administrator password has been set.
Warning: Switching between the User and Administrator will discard the uncommitted changes that
have already been made on the web pages.
3.3.3. Basic and Advanced Views The PAP2 web configuration interface provides a Basic and an advanced view from which the various
configuration parameters can be accessed. The PHONE ADAPTER Provisioning tab is only visible
from the Advanced Administrator view of the web interface.
Warning: Switching between the basic and advanced view will discard the uncommitted changes that
have already been made on the web pages.
3.4. Functional Configuration URLs
The web interface of the PHONE ADAPTER supports several functions through special URLs:
Upgrade, Reboot, Profile Resync, and Factory Reset. Administrator privilege is needed for these
Note that on the RT31P2, these URLs are only accessible from the LAN interface, unless the
Admin_Passwd has been set and the Enable_Web_Admin_Access parameter is set.
3.4.1. Upgrade URL Through upgrade URL you can upgrade the PHONE ADAPTER to a firmware specified by the URL.
Note: If the value of “upgrade enable” parameter in Provisioning tab is no, you cannot upgrade the
PHONE ADAPTER even if the web page tells you that the upgrade will be done when it is not in use.
See 4.2.1 to get more information on firmware upgrade.
The syntax of Upgrade URL is:
http://<PAP2-ip-addr>/upgrade?[protocol://][server-name[:port]][/firmware-pathname] or
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