CPC Delay3,4 Delay in seconds after caller hangs up when
the PHONE ADAPTER will start removing the
tip-and-ring voltage to the attached equipment
of the called party.
Range= 0 to 255(s)
Resolution = 1 (s)
CPC Duration3,4 Duration in seconds for which the tip-to-ring
voltage is removed after the caller hangs up.
After that tip-to-ring voltage is restored and dial
tone will apply if the attached equipment is still
off hook. CPC is disabled if this value is set to
Range= 0 to 1.000 (s)
Resolution = 0.001 (s)
0 (CPC
1. The Call Progress Tones and DTMF playback level are not affected by the <FXS Port Output
2. The interdigit timer values are used as defaults when dialing. The Interdigit_Long_Timer is used
after any one digit, if all valid matching sequences in the dial plan are incomplete as dialed. The
Interdigit_Short_Timer is used after any one digit, if at least one matching sequence is complete
as dialed, but more dialed digits would match other as yet incomplete sequences.
3. PHONE ADAPTER has had polarity reversal feature since release 1.0 which can be applied to
both the caller and the callee end. This feature is generally used for answer supervision on the
caller side to signal to the attached equipment when the call has been connected (remote end
has answered) or disconnected (remote end has hung up). This feature should be disabled for
the called party (ie by using the same polarity for connected and idle state) and the CPC feature
should be used instead.
4. Without CPC enabled, reorder tone will is played after a configurable delay. If CPC is enabled,
dial tone will be played when tip-to-ring voltage is restored.
Parameter Name Description Type Default
Set Local Date
(mm/dd/yyyy) Setting the local date; year is optional and
can be 2-digit or 4-digit Str10
Local Time (HH/mm/ss) Setting the local time; second is optional. Str8
Time Zone Number of hours to add to GMT to form local
time for caller-id generation. Choices: GMT-
12:00, GMT-11:00,…, GMT, GMT+01:00,
GMT+02:00, …, GMT+13:00
Choice GMT-07:00
FXS Port Impedance Electrical impedance of the FXS port. {600,
900, 600+2.16uF,
FXS Port Input Gain Input Gain in dB. Valid values are 6.0 to –
infinity. Up to 3 decimal places dB -3
FXS Port Output Gain Similar to <FXS Port Input Gain> but apply to
the output signal dB -3
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