Max Redirection Number of times to allow an INVITE to be
redirected by a 3xx response to avoid an
infinite loop.
Note: This parameter currently has no effect: there is
no limit on number of redirection.
Uns8 5
Max Auth Maximum number of times a request may be
challenged (0-255) Uns8 2
SIP User Agent
Name User-Agent Header to be used by the unit in
outbound requests. If empty, the header is not
Str63 Linksys/
SIP Server Name Server Header to used by the unit in
responses to inbound responses. If empty,
the header is not included.
Str63 Linksys/
SIP Accept
Language Accept-Language Header to be used by the
If empty, the header is not included.
Remove Last Reg Remove last registration before registering a
new one if value is different one. Bool no
Use Compact
Header If set to yes, the PHONE ADAPTER will use
compact SIP headers in outbound SIP
messages. If set to no the PHONE ADAPTER
will use normal SIP headers.
Bool no
SIP Timer Values (sec)
SIP T1 RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT Estimate). Range: 0
– 64 sec Time3 .5
SIP T2 RFC 3261 T2 value (Maximum retransmit
interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE
responses). Range: 0 – 64 sec
Time3 4
SIP T4 RFC 3261 T4 value (Maximum duration a
message will remain in the network). Range:
0 – 64 sec
Time3 5
SIP Timer B INVITE time out value. Range: 0 – 64 sec Time3 32
SIP Timer F Non-INVITE time out value. Range: 0 – 64
sec Time3 32
SIP Timer H INVITE final response time out value. Range:
0 – 64 sec Time3 32
SIP Timer D ACK hang around time. Range: 0 – 64 sec Time3 32
SIP Timer J Non-INVITE response hang around time.
Range: 0 – 64 sec Time3 32
INVITE Expires INVITE request Expires header value in sec.
0 = do not include Expires header in INVITE.
Range: 0 – (231 – 1)
Time0 180
ReINVITE Expires ReINVITE request Expires header value in
sec. 0 = do not include Expires header in the
request. Range: 0 – (231 – 1)
Time0 30
Reg Min Expires Minimum registration expiration time allowed
from the proxy in the Expires header or as a
Contact header parameter. If proxy returns
something less this value, then the minimum
value is used.
Time0 1
Reg Max Expires Maximum registration expiration time allowed
from the proxy in the Min-Expires header. If Time0 7200
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