The firmware file must be requested by the PHONE ADAPTER and cannot be pushed from an
upgrade server (although a service provider can effectively push a new firmware load by triggering
the request operation remotely via the CFG file). The functionality is controlled by the
Upgrade_Enable parameter. The parameter enables the functionality encompassed by the remaining
upgrade parameters.
In addition, Upgrade_Enable also gates the ability to issue an explicit upgrade command from the
web interface (discussed in section 3.4.1 of this document).
Upgrade Error Retry Delay:
ParName: Upgrade_Error_Retry_Delay
Default: 3600
If an upgrade attempt fails, the PHONE ADAPTER will retry with a delay indicated by the
Upgrade_Error_Retry_Delay parameter, specified in seconds. If the value is zero, the PHONE
ADAPTER treats upgrade failures as though they were successful, and will not retry to upgrade
unless some event triggers a reboot.
Upgrade Rule:
ParName: Upgrade_Rule and Upgrade_Rule_B
Default: Empty
The Upgrade_Rule and Upgrade_Rule_B parameters are scripts that identifies the upgrade server to
contact during a firmware upgrade. Upgrade_Rule_B is only executed if Upgrade_Rule executed
successfully. These strings support one level of macro expansion, using a small set of variables.
Following macro substitution, the rule is evaluated to obtain a URL of the firmware file to request from
an upgrade server.
The URL can be partially specified, in which case default values are assumed for the unspecified
terms. The filepath portion of the URL must be specified.
The Upgrade_Rule supports additional syntax that allows the URL to be a function of the firmware
release currently running in the PHONE ADAPTER. This mechanism can aid service providers
sequence through a firmware upgrade, by allowing them to automatically stage the upgrade
sequence, if so required by the firmware. Also, the Downgrade_Rev_Limit parameter can contain a
version string below which the PHONE ADAPTER will not downgrade.
The conditional syntax consists of a sequence of condition-url pairs, separated by the ‘|’ character.
The condition component tests the current firmware version number against a specified value.
The sequence of conditions is evaluated until one is satisfied. The URL associated with that
condition is then used to upgrade the PHONE ADAPTER. No additional URLs in the rule are
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