FAX CED Detect Enable Enable detection of FAX tone. Bool Yes
FAX CNG Detect
Enable Bool Yes
FAX Passthru Codec Codec to use for fax passthru {G711u,
G711a} G711u
FAX Codec Symmetric Force unit to use symmetric codec during FAX
passthru Bool Yes
FAX Passthru Method Choices: None / NSE / ReINVITE Choice NSE
FAX Process NSE Bool Yes
Release Unused Codec Bool Yes
1. A codec resource is considered as allocated if it has been included in the SDP codec list of an
active call, even though it eventually may not be the one chosen for the connection. So, if the G.729a
codec is enabled and included in the codec list, that resource is tied up until the end of the call
whether or not the call actually uses G.729a. If the G729a resource is already allocated and since
only one G.729a resource is allowed per PHONE ADAPTER, no other low-bit-rate codec may be
allocated for subsequent calls; the only choices are G711a and G711u. On the other hand, two
G.723.1/G.726 resources are available per PHONE ADAPTER. Therefore it is important to disable
the use of G.729a in order to guarantee the support of 2 simultaneous G.723/G.726 codec.
Note: You should only need to change the payload type mappings if you are interworking with a non-
standard implementation.
Parameter Name Description Type Default
NSE Dynamic Payload1,2 NSE dynamic payload type Uns8 100
AVT Dynamic Payload1,2 AVT dynamic payload type Uns8 101
G726r16 Dynamic Payload1,2 G726-16 dynamic payload type Uns8 98
G726r24 Dynamic Payload1,2 G726-24 dynamic payload type Uns8 97
G726r40 Dynamic Payload1,2 G726-40 dynamic payload type Uns8 96
G729b Dynamic Payload1,2 G729b dynamic payload type Uns8 99
1. Valid range is 96 – 127
2. The configured dynamic payloads are used for outbound calls only where the PHONE ADAPTER
presents the SDP offer. For inbound calls with a SDP offer, PHONE ADAPTER will follow the caller’s
dynamic payload type assignments
Parameter Name Description Type Default
NSE Codec Name NSE Codec name used in SDP Str31 NSE
AVT Codec Name AVT Codec name used in SDP Str31 telephone-event
G711a Codec Name G711a Codec name used in SDP Str31 PCMA
G711u Codec Name G711u Codec name used in SDP Str31 PCMU
G726r16 Codec Name G726-16 Codec name used in SDP Str31 G726-16
G726r24 Codec Name G726-24 Codec name used in SDP Str31 G726-24
G726r32 Codec Name G726-32 Codec name used in SDP Str31 G726-32
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