5. Expected Feature Behavior
The PHONE ADAPTER can be configured to the custom requirements of the service provider, so that
from the subscriber’s point of view, the service behaves exactly as the service provider wishes – with
varying degrees of control left with the end user. This means that a service provider can leverage the
programmability of the PHONE ADAPTER to offer sometimes subtle yet continually valuable and
differentiated services optimized for the network environment or target market(s).
This section of the Administration Guide, describes how some of the supported basic and enhanced,
or supplementary services could be implemented. The implementations described below by no
means are the only way to achieve the desired service behavior.
To understand the specific implementation options of the below features, including parameters,
requirements and contingencies please refer the section Configuration Parameters, section Error!
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5.1. Originating a Phone Call

Service Description Placing telephone a call to another telephone
or telephony system (IVR, conference bridge,
etc.). This is the most basic service.
User Action Required to Activate or Use When the user picks up the handset, the
PHONE ADAPTER provides dial tone and is
ready to collect dialing information via DTMF
digits from the telephone Touchtone key pad.
Expected Call and Network Behavior While it is possible to support overlapped
dialing within the context of SIP, the PHONE
ADAPTER collects a complete phone number
and sends the full number in a SIP INVITE
message to the proxy server for further call
processing. In order to minimize dialing delay,
the PHONE ADAPTER maintains a dial plan
and matches it against the cumulative number
entered by the user. The PHONE ADAPTER
also detects invalid phone numbers not
compatible with the dial plan and alerts the
user via a configurable tone (Reorder) or
User Action Required to Deactivate or End Hang-up the telephone.

5.2. Receiving a Phone Call

Service Description The PHONE ADAPTER can receive calls from
the PSTN or other IP Telephony subscribers
User Action Required to Activate or Use When the telephone rings, pick up the handset
and begin talking.
Expected Call and Network Behavior Each subscriber is assigned an E.164 ID
(phone number) so that they may be reached
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