string supports one level of macro substitution, with the same variables as for the Profile_Rule above.
An empty string does not generate a syslog message.
General Purpose Parameters:
ParName: GPP_A through GPP_P
Default: empty
GPP_A through GPP_P are the 16 General Purpose Parameters, usable by both the provisioning and
the upgrade logic. Each general purpose parameter can be configured to hold any string value.
Such a value can then be incorporated in other scripted parameters.
General Purpose Secure Parameters:
ParName: GPP_SA through GPP_SD
Default: empty
GPP_SA through GPP_SD are the 4 Secure General Purpose Parameters, usable by both the
provisioning and the upgrade logic. Each secure parameter can be configured to hold any string
value. Such a value can then be incorporated in other scripted parameters. The secure parameters
are not accessible through the PHONE ADAPTER web interface, and can only be set via a
configuration profile. Also, the parameters cannot be incorporated as part of a syslog message.
Parameter Name Description Type Default
Provision Enable Master enable for configuration profile
resync operations Bool yes
Resync On Reset Resyncs configuration profile from
configuration server whenever the PHONE
ADAPTER resets.
Bool yes
Resync Random
Delay Spread interval for resync requests Time0 2
Resync Periodic Resyncs configuration profile periodically
after reset. Time0 3600
Resync Error Retry
Delay Retry interval following resync failure Time0 3600
Resync From SIP Enables resync of configuration profile from
a SIP command. Bool Yes
Resync After Upgrade
Attempt Bool Yes
Resync Trigger 1
Resync Trigger 2
Profile Rule Configuration profile URL script. ProfileScript /Phone
Profile Rule B ProfileScript
Profile Rule C ProfileScript
Profile Rule D ProfileScript
© 2004 Linksys Proprietary (See Copyright Notice on Page 2)