4.9. Progress Tone and Ring Configuration
The progress tones and ring tones on the PHONE ADAPTER are extremely configurable. There are
18 configurable call progress tones, 8 configurable ringing cadences, and 8 configurable call waiting
cadences. Progress tones and Ring cadences are configured using FreqScipts and CadScripts
respectively (described in Section 4.1).

4.9.1. Distinctive Ring and Other Ring Settings

Distinctive Ringing and Distinctive Call Waiting Tones can be associated with specific callers
configured directly into the PHONE ADPATER, by setting the appropriate callers in the Ring_n_Caller
parameters. The Ring_1_Caller parameter specifies which callers will trigger ring cadence 1, and so
forth. If a provider wishes to offer a distinctive ringing service by providing hints from the network, the
provider can insert an Alert-Info SIP header into incoming calls. If the value in the Alert-Info header
matches one of the strings in the Ring_n_Name set of parameters, the corresponding ring cadence
will be used.
In addition to ordinary and distinctive rings, there are number of other situations where the PHONE
ADAPTER can provide a short burst of ringing. These ring settings are described below.
Parameter Name Description Type Default
Ring 1 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 1 PhTmplt
Ring 2 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 2 PhTmplt
Ring 3 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 3 PhTmplt
Ring 4 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 4 PhTmplt
Ring 5 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 5 PhTmplt
Ring 6 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 6 PhTmplt
Ring 7 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 7 PhTmplt
Ring 8 Caller Caller number pattern to play Distinctive Ring/CWT 8 PhTmplt
Default Ring Default ringing pattern, 1 – 8, for all callers {1,2,3,4,
5,6,7,8} 1
Default CWT Default CWT pattern, 1 – 8, for all callers {1,2,3,4,
5,6,7,8} 1
Hold Reminder Ring Ring pattern for reminder of a holding call when the
phone is on-hook {1,2,3,4,
Call Back Ring Ring pattern for call back notification {1,2,3,4,
5,6,7,8} None
Ring1 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 1 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r1
Ring2 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 2 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r2
Ring3 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 3 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r3
Ring4 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 4 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r4
Ring5 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 5 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r5
Ring6 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 6 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r6
Ring7 Name Name in an INVITE’s Alert-Info Header to pick
distinctive ring/CWT 7 for the inbound call Str31 Bellcore-r7
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