Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
AppendixA Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Supported Events
A.4.8 Heartbeat Event
CTM generates a periodic heartbeat event and pushes the event to the notification channel. By default,
this function is disabled. You can configure the interval value through the CTM Control Panel. If the
interval value is set to 0, the heartbeat event is disabled. By monitoring this event, the northbound
interface client knows whether the notification service is active. The type_name field contains the
NT_HEART_BEAT value under the fixed_header for this type of event. Filterable_data has only one
field, which is shown in the following table.
A.4.9 Backup Status Event
The backup status event contains details about changes to a managed element’s backup status.
isPropagated boolean Yes. For the MGX 8880/8850/8830, values are
assigned to this field. For all other NEs, this field is
always set to False.
aresFDN string Yes.
TableA-13 Alarm (continued)
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
TableA-14 Heartbeat Event
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not guaranteed.
TableA-15 Backup Status Event
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes. The time when the EMS reported the event.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes. The time provided by the NE. If the NE does not report time,
this field is optional or reports an empty string.
backupStatus softwareManager::BackupStatus_T Yes. The backup status of the managed element.
meName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes. The name of the managed element from which the backup
was taken.