Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter1 Overview
Radio Ranges
Radio Antenna
The type of antenna used depends on your client adapter:
•PC cards have an integrated, permanently attached diversity antenna. The benefit of the diversity
antenna system is improved covera ge. The system works by allowing the ca rd to switch and sample
between its two anten na ports in order to s ele ct the optimum port fo r r ece ivin g da ta packets. As a
result, the card has a bet te r ch an ce o f ma in tai ning the radio frequency (RF ) co n ne cti on i n ar eas o f
interference. The antenn a i s lo ca ted w i th in th e s ect io n of t he ca rd t hat p r ot rud es fr om th e P C c ar d
slot when the card is installed.
•LM cards are shipped without an an tenna; however, an antenna can be connected throu gh the card’s
external connector . If a snap-o n a nten na is use d, it shoul d b e oper ate d in div e rsi ty mo de. Otherwi se ,
the antenna mode used s h ou ld c or r esp on d to t he an te nna port to which the a nt en na is co nn ect ed .
•PCI client adapters are s h ip p ed w it h a 2 - dBi d i pole antenna that attach es t o th e a dapter’s antenna
connector. However, other types of antennas can be used . PCI adapters can be operated on ly through
the antenna port located on the right side of the radio module (not to be confused with the antenna
connector on the card car ri er ).
Note External antennas u sed in combinati on with a power sett ing resulting in a radiated power leve l above
100 mW equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) are not allowed for use within the European
community and other countries that have adopted the European R&TTE directive. CEPT
recommendation Rec 70.03, or both. For more details on legal combinations of power levels and
antennas in those countri es , co nt act C isco C orporate Compliance.
The adapter has two LEDs th at glow or blink to show the status of t he ad ap te r or t o convey error
messages. See “Interpreting the Indicator LEDs” section on page5-2 for an inter p re tation of the LED
Radio RangesBecause of differences in component configur ation, pl acem ent, and physi cal environm ent, every
network application is a unique installation. Before installing the system, you should perform a site
survey in order to determine the optimum utilization of networking components and to m aximize range,
coverage, and network performance.
Here are some operating and environmental conditions that you need to consider:
•Data Rates—Sensitivity and range are inversely proportional to data bit rates. The maximum radio
range is achieved at the lowest w or k ab le da ta ra te. There is a decrease in rec e iver th re sho ld
sensitivity as the radio data rate in crease s.
•Antenna Type an d Pl acem ent— Prop er ante nn a con f igura t ion i s a cri tic al f ac tor i n ma xi miz ing ra di o
range. As a general guide, range increases in proportion to antenna height.