Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter 4 Utilities
DOS Utilities
Diagnostic Utilities


Description Turns the PCMCIA slot on or off so that the utility programs can access
and communicate with t he ca rd.
Syntax PCMCIA [ON | OFF] [-SLOT0 |-SLOT1] [-TITAN] [-BASE <addr>]
Options ON |OFF Enables or disables the specified PCMCIA slot.
-SLOTn Identifies the slot to turn on or off.
-TITAN Not used with 340 or 350 series adapters.
-BASE <addr> Base address for the memory window used to
access the PCMCIA con figu ra tio n sp ace . This
must point to an unused 2- Kb bl ock in the
host system memory space.
-LOAD Used to load new firmware.
-BOOT Turns on the PCMCIA slot so the other utility
programs can access the ad ap t er.
Standard Options
(Default settings in
-p[IO base] IO base address (hex) [380]
-io#|-misa#|-isa# IO type, #={8|16}
-b [membase] M emory base address (hex) [D000:0]
-I [irq] Interrupt request (decimal) [5]
-s [slot] Slot number (decimal) [0]
-365 82365-card startup
-pci PCI-card startup
-nocheck I/O access not tested on startu p
Standard options are available w hen t hey ar e di spl ay ed as part of the
command or when using the help (-?) option.
Remarks Use this utility to activate th e a da pters slot when the ot he r utility
programs do not work and to t urn it o f f wh en f i nish ed runni ng the u ti lit y
programs. The following example shows th e proper command syntax to
turn the slot on, run a utility program, and turn the card off: