Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
AppendixB Channels, Power Levels, Antenna Gains
Channel Sets
Channel SetsThe channel identifiers, chan nel ce nter frequencies, and regul ato ry do ma ins of each 802.11b
22-MHz-wide channel are s h own i n Ta ble B-1 .
Note Mexico is included in the Americas regulatory domain; however, only channels 9 through 11 can be
used in Mexico. Users are r esponsible for ensuring that the channel set configur ation is in compliance
with the regulatory standards of Mexico.
Note France is included i n the ETSI re gula t ory domain ; h o we v er , on ly chan nels 10 t hro ugh 13 ca n be us ed
in France. Users are respon sible for ensuring that the channel set configuration is in compliance with
the regulatory standards of France.
TableB-1 Channels
Identifier Frequency
Regulatory Domains
Americas (-A) ETSI (-E) Israel (-I) China (-C) Japan (-J)
1 2412 MHz X X - X X
2 2417 MHz X X - X X
32422 MHzXXXXX
42427 MHzXXXXX
52432 MHzXXXXX
62437 MHzXXXXX
72442 MHzXXXXX
82447 MHzXXXXX
92452 MHzXXXXX
10 2457 MHz X X - X X
11 2462 MHz X X - X X
12 2467 MHz - X - X
13 2472 MHz - X - X
14 2484 MHz - - - X