Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter 3 Installing the Software Driver Keywords and Settings
If you are not using card services, your host system must have an Intel 82365 or compatible PC Card
controller chip. The driver th en configures the PC Card contr oller chip directly, and each of the f ollowing
parameters should b e s pe cifi e d in y ou r co n fig ur at ion file.
Table3-11 Adapter Keywords
Keyword Value Description
PORTBASE 0–0xFFFF (Optional)—Specifies the starting address for
a block of 32 co ns e c u tive 1 6-bit I/O ports.
Make sure the block of I /O ad dres se s do es n ot
overlap the address of another device in the
machine. This can be us ed to overr id e a ca r d
service assignment.
Default: 0x140 (if card services are not used)
The starting PORTBASE address must be on
an even 0x40 byte boundary.
PORT 0–0xFFFF Only valid in NET.CFG file (same as
INT 2–15 (Optional)— Specifies the ha rdw a re int er rup t
the PC Card uses. The Interrupt must be
unique (not used by another device in the
machine). Use this keyword to override a card
service assignment.
Default: 11 (if card services are not used)
IRQ 2–15 Same as INT.
SOCKET 0–7 (Optional)— Ignored if card services are
used. If card services a re no t used, this is the
PC Card socket the PC Card is inserted in.
Default: 0
MEMORY 0xC000–0xDF00 (Optional)—Ignored if If card services are
used. If card services a re no t used, this is a
block of memory the driver uses to view the
PC Card CIS.
Default: 0xD000
In the NET.CFG file, the parameter is D00 00,
not 0xD000.
MEM 0xC00–0xDF00 Same as MEMORY.