Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
AppendixC Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Guidelines for Operating Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters in Japan
Guidelines for Operating Cisco A ironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters in Japan
This section provides guidelines for avoiding interference when opera ting Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN
Client Adapters in J a pan. These guidel ines are provided i n both Japanese a nd English.

Japanese Translation

English Translation

This equipment operate s in the s am e f re qu en c y ba nd w id th as industrial, scientifi c, and m ed ic al devices
such as microwave ovens and mobile object identification (RF-ID) systems (licensed premises radio
stations and unlicensed specified low-power radio stations) used in factory production lines.
1. Before using this equi pmen t, ma ke su re th at no pr emi ses ra dio st atio ns o r s pec if ie d lo w- po w er ra di o
stations of RF-ID are used in the vicinity.
2. If this equipment causes RF interference to a premises radio station of RF-I D, promptly change the
frequency or stop using the device; call the contact number and ask for recommendations on
avoiding radio interference, such as setting partitions.
3. If this equipment causes RF in ter f er en ce to a specified low-power radi o station of RF-ID, ca ll the
contact number.
Contact Number: 03-5219-6000
