Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter 3 Installing the Software Driver Keywords and Settings
(Optional)Determines the wireless
networks level of security.
OPEN = Allows client, regardless of its WEP
settings, to authenti cat e and attempt to
communicate with an acc es s p o in t.
WEPOPEN = Client uses full encryption.
Access point Encryption by St ation p arame ter
must be set to full en cr yp tion and Accept
Authentication Type parameter set to Open.
WEPSHARED = Clie nt u s es f u ll encryption.
Access point Encryption by St ation p arame ter
must be set to Full Encr y pt ion an d Ac cep t
Authentication Type parameter set to Open.
MIXEDOPEN = Client can o perate in a cell
with other clie n ts re ga rdless of encryp tion
Access point Encryption by St ation p arame ter
must be set to open , A u th en tication Accept
Type parameter set to Open.
MIXEDSHARED = Client can operate over a
range of cells with o th er cl ien ts regardless of
encryption used.
Access Point Encryp tion by Station paramete r
must be set to optional, and Accept
Authentication Type pa rameter must be set t o
Default: OPEN
This parameter is no t availab le in
ad hoc mode.
ASSOCIATIONTO 00xFFFF (Optional)Shows the maximum amount of
time that the client w ait s for a response to an
association request from th e ac ces s point.
Default: 2,000 Kusec (2 sec)
Table3-9 Infrastructure P arameters (continued)
Parameter Value Description