Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter3 Installing the Software
Driver Overview
Driver Overview
This section covers t he drivers. The utiliti es a re discussed in Ch apter 4, Utilitie s.
The MS-DOS and Windows for Workgroups base d dr ivers m u st h ave a co nfigur ati on file created (or
edited) with an ASCII t ext ed it or.
The drivers and associated files do not sh ip with the adapter. You must download them from the Wireless
Software Center at Cisco.com. The downloadable file, DOSDRVS.EXE, is a self-extracting executable
file containing separate self-extracting executable files for each driver. After downloading and running
the DOSDRVS.EXE file, you can run th e driver file for your specific applicat ion. You must also run the
UTIL.EXE to extract the utility progr am s f or th es e d rivers. Th e str u ctu r e of th e D O SDRVS.EXE file is
shown in Table 3-1.
Table3-1 DOSDRVS.EXE File Structure
Filename Description
DOSDRVS.EXE A self-extracting executabl e fi le co nt ain in g th ese self-extracting
executable files:
PKT.EXEpacket driver and files
ODI.EXEODI driver and files
NDIS.EXENDIS2 driver and files
UTIL.EXEconfiguration and diagnostic utilities
DOSINST.PDFCisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters
Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS in portable data
file format
CSCPKT.COM Packet driver
CSCPKT.INI Sample initialization file
READ1ST.TXT Text file containing driver and installation notes
NET.CFG Sample initialization file
READ1ST.TXT Text file containing driver and installation notes
PROTOCOL.INI Sample initialization file
READ1ST.TXT Text file containing driver and installation notes
AWCALLID.EXE Establishes a call id numb er
PCMCIA.COM Turns the PCM CIA slot on or off to allow u til it ies to access the adapter
RADINFO.COM Displays the adapters radio statistics
WEPDOS.EXE Sets a WEP trans m it key and key values