Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter 4 Utilities DOS Utilities
General Usage NotesSyntax
The utility does not run unless i ts co m ma nd s y ntax is co r re ct. In m o st ca ses, an error message appears ,
informing you that the command or option was invalid.
The -pci switch activates the ut ility’s PCI card startup feature. Use this switch when you have a P C card
client or an LM client run ni ng i n a P C I carr ier c ar d.
Running the UtilitiesThe utilities are started by entering the appropr iate com mand and optio ns at the comm and pro mpt and
pressing Enter. The following general guidelines might be helpful.
When a utility has standard options:
•Enter the card startup switch (-365) as the first option. This option informs the utility to start the
•The default IO base address (0x380) works in most cases, depending on the platform on which you
are running the utilities. If the ut ility re ports pr oble ms acces sing the ca rd’s registers, you might need
to move this window. The card requires a contiguous 64-byte I/O window to work properly.
•The default base address (D000:0000) is used to access the card’s PCMCIA configuration registers
and enable the card inter face. A 2-Kb window is required .
•The default IRQ (5) also works in most cases, depe nding on the plat form on which yo u are running
the utilities. Most of t he utilities do not ac tu ally require the use of a n in ter r up t.
Getting HelpUse the -? option to display a brief explanation of the utility and its command syntax.