Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
AudienceThis publication is for the person responsible for installing, maintaining, and configuring a Cisco
Aironet Wireless LAN Adapte r (al so re ferr ed to as an adapter or client ad apt er) on a co mput er us i ng the
MS-DOS operating system. The in sta lle r shou ld be f amili ar with MS -DOS, comput in g de vi c es and wi th
network terms an d c o nc epts.
PurposeThis publication describe s th e ad apt er s, ex pl ai ns how to install the adapters a nd t he as so ci ate d drivers
and software, and offers troubleshooting information.
OrganizationPlease read Chapters 2 and 3 before attempting to install or use the hardware and software described in
this guide.
This guide is arranged as follows:
Chapter 1, “Overview,” provides you with a general introducti on to the wirele ss LAN a dapter s, de scribes
direct sequence radio techno logy, and the various adapter configuration s you can use when operating the
adapter in your infrastructure.
Chapter 2, “Ins talling the Hardw are,”describes the physical installation of the adapter and the standard
Chapter 3, “Insta lling the Software,” describes the installation and configuration of the various network
Chapter 4, “Utili ti es ,” provides detailed procedures for using the utilities to perform link tests, site
surveys, configuration, diagnostics, as well as loading new firmware versions.
Chapter 5, “Error Messages and Trouble Shooting,” provides detailed description s of th e LE D messa ge s
and error codes, as well a s g en er al procedures for correcting co m mo n pr o bl ems.
Appendix A, “Technical Spe cifications,” provides radio and physical specifications.
Appendix B, “Channels, Power L e v els , Ant enna Ga ins ,” provides channel identifiers and channel center
frequencies for various area regu lator y ag en ci es.
Appendix C, “Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information,” provides conformity
information about the a da pt er.
ConventionsThis publication uses th e f ol lowin g co nventions to convey instructions and in fo rm at io n:
•Commands and keywords are boldface.
•Variables are in italics.
•Notes, cautions, and warn in gs use the following conventions an d symbols: