Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter 3 Installing the Software ODI Driver Instal lation
Note Options -c, -i, -n, and -w ar e unused in this version of the driver and are provided f or backward syntax
Note <int_number> is an interrupt vector location in the range 0x60 to 0x7F.
Note To unload the driver, enter CSCPKT –u <int_number> (for example, CSCPKT –u 0x65). The
<int_number> valu e m us t be the same value used when you in s ta l le d the driver.
Step 6 Load the MS-DOS IP stack .
ODI Driver InstallationThe PC Card can be instal led i n an O D I co m pl ia nt M S-D OS e nviron men t such as Novell NetWare.
Follow these steps to instal l t he driver.
Step 1 Power on your computer.
Step 2 Extract the CSCODI.COM files to the directory containing the network files on your computer’s hard
Step 3 Copy the NET.CFG file, or merge the Cisco Aironet supplied N ET.CFG file into your existing NET.CFG
file in the network directory.
Step 4 Modify the adapter’s syst em parameters by edi ting the NET.CFG file. The f ollowing parameters can be
modified (INFRASTRUCTURE mode only):
•INFRASTRUCTURE = YES (If omitted, default is YES)
•SSID = <your SSID>
Step 5 Run the batch files created by th e N e tWare installation disks, or manua ll y lo ad th e d r iver fr o m
AUTOEXEC.BAT or the command line. This can be done by running LSL, followed by CSCODI,
Additional Requirements and FeaturesThe following INI and CFG file lines might appear anywhere within a section. Only the sections
containing thes e l ines will be pars e d :
•CSCPKT.INI file can have a section head er o f [ CSC P K T] .
•PROTOCOL.INI file can have any section head er, but th e s e cti o n m ust contain the keyword and
parameter DR IV E R NAME = CSCNDI S 2 .
•NET.CFG file must have a section header of Link Driver CSCODI.