Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter1 Overview
System Configurations
Security Features
The Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN C li en t Ad ap ter e m p loys D i re ct S equ en ce S pre ad S p ect rum
Technology, previously developed for military anti-jamming and low probability of intercept radio
The access point must be set to the same SSID as all other devices on the wireless infrastructure. Units
with a different S S I D c a nn ot directly comm unicate with eac h other.
System ConfigurationsThe Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapter can be used in a variety of network system
configurations. Access points provide connections to your Ethernet networks or act as repeaters
increasing wireless communication range. The maximum communication range is based on how you
configure your wireless infrastructure.
Examples of some common system configurations are shown on the pages that follow, along with a
description of each.
Ad Hoc Wireless LAN
An ad hoc wireless LAN (Figure1-1) is the simplest wireless LAN configuration. In a w ireless LAN,
using an ad hoc network opera t ing s ys tem (s uch as W i ndo ws fo r Workgroups), all devices equipped with
the PC Card can be linke d t o ge th er an d co m mu n ica te directly with each oth er
Figure1-1 Ad Hoc Wireless LAN
NDIS2 MS- D OS , Windows 3.xx
Packet MS-DOS, Windows 3 .xx
Table1-1 Protocols Supported
Drivers Operating Systems