Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
AppendixB Channels, Power Levels, Antenna Gains Maximum Power Levels and Antenna Gains
Maximum Power Levels and Antenna Gains
An improper comb in ation of power level an d a ntenna gain can re s ul t in equivalent isotro pic radiated
power (EIRP) above th e amount allowed pe r regulatory dom a in . Tabl e B-2 indicates the maximum
power levels and ante nna gains allowed f o r each regulator y do main.
TableB-2 Maximum Power Levels Per Antenna Gain
Regulatory Domain Antenna Gain (dBi) Maxim um P ow er Lev el (mW )
Americas (-A)
(4 watts EIRP maximum) 0 100
2.2 100
5.2 100
6 100
8.5 100
12 100
13.5 100
21 20
(100 mW EIRP maximum) 0 100
2.2 50
5.2 30
8.5 5
12 5
13.5 5
21 1
Israel (-I)
(100 mW EIRP maximum) 0 100
2.2 50
5.2 30
6 30
8.5 5
12 5
13.5 5
21 1