Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter3 Installing the Software
Driver Keywords and Settings
The following general information is perti ne nt :
Multiple sections are supported.
Blank lines are supported .
Comments begin with semicolon and can appear anywhere on a line.
Keywords can be uppercase or lowercase and can be surrounded by white space if desired.
Any parameter or variable that can be set to ON or OFF can also be s et to YES or NO, resp ectively.
Any parameter that begins with 0x will be assumed to be hexadecimal. Any parameter that begins
with a digit (excluding the 0x case) will be assumed to be decimal. Any parameter that begins with
quotes will be assumed to be a quoted string parameter. An y other parameter will be assumed to be
an unquoted string parameter.
For string parameters, doub le quo te s ar e requ ired aro und the stri ng if t he stri ng cont ain s an y spe cia l
Note The PROTOCOL.INI file does not support some of the w hite space characters in a quoted string. If
a string begins with an alph ab eti c c haracter and contains no sp eci al characters, the quotes can b e
For Packet string parameters, the string can be enclosed with double quotes or single quotes. If a
string is quoted, any charact er exc ep t a null and the quote delimiter itself can occur between the
Note If double quotes are used for a de lim iter, a single quote can appear i n th e s t ring , an d vi ce v er sa. I f
the string begins with an alp h ab eti c c haracter and contains no sp eci al characters, the quotes ca n be
For numeric parameters, the value can be hexadecimal or decimal. Hexadecimal numbers must be
preceded with the chara cte rs 0x but all characters can be uppercase or lowercase.
Driver Keywords and Settings
The default PC Card co n fig ur at io n is set to:
Constant Awake Mode.
Infrastructure Modeallows association with any access point matching the SSID supplied by the
The factory-supplied network address.
Receive directed packets to thi s ad d re s s as we ll as m ulticasts and broadcasts.
Retry data packets up to 16 times before discarding the frame.
Retry RTS sequence up to 16 t ime s b ef ore discarding the frame.
RTS exchange on all frames greater t ha n 30 0 byt es.
Fragment frames longer than 700 bytes.
Discard fragmented transmit packets if not delivered in 5 seconds.
Discard fragmented receive frames if not complete after 10 seconds.