Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter3 Installing the Software
Driver Keywords and Settings
Power Management VariablesThe Wireless LAN Adapter power m a na ge men t can be adjusted with the fo ll owing group of variables.
Table3-7 Power Management Variables
Variable Value Description
(Optional)—Establishes t he operat ing method
the device uses to c on s er ve electrical power.
CAM = Constant Awake Mode
PSP = Power Save Mode
FASTPSP = Fast Power Save Mode
Default: CAM
In ad hoc mode, if the POWER S AVEMODE
variable must be a no n-zero value.
CAM keeps the client ad ap te r powered up
continuously so there is little lag in message
response time. This mode consumes the most
power but offers the highest throughput.
PSP powers the adapter on and off based on a
time algorithm. When re tr ievi ng p ackets, the
adapter remains in PSP mode and manages
only the amount of traffic within the time
period when it is sch ed uled o n. Wh en the tim e
expires, the adapter turns off for the required
time and then turns ba ck on a gai n to r et ri eve
more data.
FASTPSP switches between a PSP mode and
CAM, depending on network traffic. This
mode switches to CAM when r et ri evin g a
large number of packets and s witches back to
PSP after the packets have been retrieved.
OFF (NO) (Optional)—Turns Maximum Power Save
mode on or off.
Default: OFF
MAXPOWERSAVE causes the access point
to buffer incomi n g m e s s a ge s for the clien t
adapter, which wakes up periodically and
polls the access point to s ee if a ny buffered
messages are waitin g fo r it . T h e ad ap ter c an
request each message and then go back to
MAXPOWERSAVE conserves the most
power but offers the lowest throughput . Is
recommended f o r de vi ce s fo r which power
consumption is th e u ltimate concern ( s u ch a s
small battery-powered devices).