Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter1 Overview
System Configurations
Figure1-3 Wireless Infrastructure with Workstations Accessing a Wired LAN
Extended Infrastructure Usin g RepeatersAn access point can be co n fig ured as a st an d- al on e re pe ate r to extend the range of yo u r in fras tructure,
or to overcome an RF blocki ng ob stac le (Fi gure1-4). The r ep eat er f orw ar ds tr affic betw een t he C isco
Aironet Wireless LAN Clien t Adapte r equippe d worksta tions a nd devi ces and th e wired LAN b y sending
packets to either another r epeater or to another access po int attached to the wired L AN. The data is sent
through whichever route provides the greatest performance for the client. Multiple repeater hops can be
supported in the path to t he wired LAN.
Figure1-4 Extended Infrastructure Using Repeaters
Access Point
(Root Unit)
Access Point
(Root Unit)
Wired LAN
Access Point
(Root Unit)
Access Point
Wired LAN