Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for MS-DOS
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware Inserting the Client Adapter into a Computing Device
Detaching a Remote Antenna
Step 1 Remove the adapter from the PC card slot.
Step 2 Grasp the end of the ant en na ca bl e l ead by t he co nn ec to r.
Step 3 Gently pull the connect or away fr o m t he adapter until it com es f r ee.
Inserting the Client Adapter into a Computing DeviceThis section provides instructio ns for inserting a PC card or a PCI clien t adapter into a computing device.
Caution These procedures and the ph ysica l conn ectio ns they descri be appl y gener all y to con v ention al PC c ard
slots and PCI expansion slots. In cases of custom or nonconventi onal equipment, be alert to possible
differences in PC card slot and PCI expansion slot configurations.
Inserting a PC Card
Step 1 Before you begin, examine the PC c ard. One end has a dual-row, 68 - pin PC card connector. The card i s
keyed so that it can be ins er ted o nl y on e way i nt o th e P C c ar d s lot.
Step 2 Turn on your computer, let the operating system boot up completely, and follow the remaining steps in
this section to insert the PC card.
Caution Do not force the PC card into your c omputer’s PC card slot. Forci ng it will damage bot h the card and
the slot. If the PC card do es not insert easily, remove t he ca rd and reinsert it.
Step 3 Hold the PC card with the Cisco log o facin g u p an d in ser t it int o th e PC ca rd slot, applying just enough
pressure to make sure it i s f ul ly sea ted . S e e Figure 2-2.