Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide, R7.0
November 2007
Chapter22 DLPs A500 to A599
DLP- A533 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds
Step7 From the Alarm Type drop-down list, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold,
falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Step8 From the Sample Type drop-down list, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the
threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to
use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period.
Step9 Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.
Step10 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.
For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the
rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a rising threshold of 1000collisions every
15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, the excess occurrences trigger an alarm.
Step11 Enter the appropriate number of occurrences in the Falling Threshold field. In most cases a falling
threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the
rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example,
when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 minutes subsides and creates only
799 collisions in 15 minutes, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the
rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15-minute period, an event again
triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold
is exceeded (otherwise, a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple
times and cause a flood of events).
Step12 Click OK to complete the procedure.
Step13 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
gfpStatsRxTypeInvalid Receive frames with invalid type (PTI, EXI, UPI)
gfpStatsRxCRCErrors Receive data frames with Payload cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) errors
gfpStatsRxCIDInvalid Receive frames with Invalid CID
gfpStatsCSFRaised Number of receive (Rx) client management frames with Client
Signal Fail indication.
gfpStatsRxFrame Receive data frames
gfpStatsTxFrame Transmit data frames
gfpStatsRxOctets Received data Octets
gfpStatsTxOctets Transmit data Octets
Table22-7 POS Threshold Variables (MIBs) (continued)
Variable Definition